People Hire Us Because for More Than 35 Years, We Have Honed Our Skills and Expertise to Deliver Quality Construction Services That Exceed Your Expectations

Accent Building Co, LLC - Logo

Serving Burlington, Avon and the Surrounding Area

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Accent Building Co, LLC

Have a remodeling or construction-related question? Accent Building Co, LLC has the answer. Check out these FAQs and call or text us today for more information!

  • Do you offer free estimates?

    Yes, we do! If you're looking for kitchen remodeling or addition builders, call us at Accent Building Co, LLC.

  • What do I need in preparation for my appointment?

    Please ensure our crew has access to the job site and that personal belongings are out of the way. If you're in need of professional kitchen remodeling or addition builders, call our team to get started!

  • Do I need to be home for my appointment?

    Yes, you do. If you have any questions regarding our kitchen remodeling process, call us today!

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